Connect Counselling
An anonymous professional telephone counselling service for survivors of physical, emotional and sexual abuse since 2006

Connect began operating in 2006. It was named the National Counselling Helpline Service and was renamed Connect in late 2008.
Phone Counselling
Connect is an additional service to the HSE’s National Counselling Service which provides free face to face counselling for people who have suffered abuse, trauma or neglect in their childhood. Connect provides counselling services by telephone which may suit some people better. The service was established after it became apparent some years ago that there had been widespread childhood abuse and neglect in Ireland.
Connect Counsellors
The service is staffed by five part time professional counsellors who are accredited with the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP). The counselling team are experienced in the work of trauma and working with people who have experienced a difficult childhood. At time of high demand, locum staff are contracted to assist the Connect Counsellors.
Nature of the Service
Connect is not intended to be a crisis service but a supportive and therapeutic service for people who would like to talk about the abuse, neglect or trauma they have suffered, or want help in dealing with the past to help take better control of their lives today.
Connect is led by a Service Director, who is supported by an Office Administrator. They can both be contacted at, or by calling 01 865 7400.
Service Provision and Reach
Connect is a part time service – available from Wednesday to Sunday 5pm – 9pm – 52 weeks of the year, including Christmas and New Year.
Office hours are Wednesday and Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Members of the board Details
Gerard Kelly (Chairperson)
Carmel McDonnell-Byrne
David Fox
Darragh Jáuregui-Hogan (Secretary)
Avril Tracey
Colm O’Connor
Martina Martínez Cano
Ruth Anne Kilduff
Joanne Healy
Aims of Connect Counselling
- To provide an out of hours telephone service for adults who were abused in childhood
- To provide support and counselling to individuals who were abused in institutional settings, the family home or in the community.
- To support family members, partners and relatives of people who have suffered abuse.
Abuse is defined by Connect as any experience of physical, emotional and sexual abuse as well as neglect or trauma.