To speak to a Counsellor call: FREEPHONE 1800 477 477 - UK and Northern Ireland: FREEPHONE 0800 0488 023


Connect is a confidential and anonymous service. The counsellor will not know who you are, or any identifying information about you, including the phone number you are calling from.

However, there two exceptions in the best interest of your safety and that of others:

1) If the counsellor has reason to believe that you or someone else is at risk or in danger, they will encourage you to take steps to protect yourself and others. If you choose not to not to protect yourself or others, and if the counsellor has sufficient information, he/she is obliged to pass on the information he / she has to the HSE or the Gardai.

2) If you provide identifying information about an abuser and if the counsellor suspects there may be any potential risk to any child, the counsellor is obligated under Children First (National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children)to make a report to the authorities.

However, as the counsellor does not know your identity, you would not be identified in any report.

Importance of Reporting any Suspected Abuse
If you suspect child abuse is taking place, it is important that this be reported to reduce the risk of serious harm occurring to a child in the future. If you are unsure about the validity of your concerns, please talk to a HSE social worker or public health nurse.